Saturday, January 10, 2015

New year, new release date

2014 was a fantastic year. A lot happened. I finished my second novel, Cities and Thrones. I got firmly settled into my fantastic job as a narrative designer at Obsidian Entertainment. I went to a handful of SFF conventions and made some incredible friends. And I got my first whirlwind taste of pre-launch book promotion.

And yet, there's one thing in particular that didn't happen. The Buried Life, my debut novel, did not come out.

If you follow industry news, you may already know that my publisher, Angry Robot, was sold last year. This was the reason behind the delay of my book and several others.

I learned about the delay roughly a week before the scheduled release and shortly before I went to Detcon. I didn't say anything. I'd been specifically asked not to - the details of the sale weren't public information, and I certainly didn't want to start any speculation that might compromise a deal.

So I kept my mouth shut and my fingers crossed for a quick resolution.

Fortunately, the sale was announced September 30, and all is well in Robot Land. The Buried Life drops March 3 (March 5 in the UK), and a whole slew of other tasty new novels will come out in the spring, too.

I'm glad operations are back to normal, and in a way, I'm also strangely grateful for the delay. In the initial publicity push, The Buried Life got some fantastic reviews and press - in Publishers Weekly, The Guardian, SciFiNow, and io9, to name a few. It was tough to see so many of those mentions appear when I didn't even know the final release date of the novel, but I'm also grateful to have them now that the launch is on the horizon. And after getting a taste of pre-release madness, I'm better prepared for the next two months.

And on that subject, here's the part where I mention that The Buried Life will be back on NetGalley starting Monday.

All in all, I'm excited to finally share The Buried Life with the world in March, and I'll be thrilled to share the sequel, Cities and Thrones, just a few short months later! 2014 was great, but here's to a wonderful 2015.